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作者: 匿名    时间: 2021-10-8 03:53
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作者: 匿名    时间: 2021-10-8 03:53
Have you got any ? weston road pharmacy  Where does it stop if the govt or a private group can force you to take a treatment you do not want. How about forced sterilization OH it has happened already in our history. For the folks who do not know there was a US supreme court case in the late fifties or early sixties specifically the govt was trying to force the Amish to send their kids to public schools against their religion and the court ruled by a significant majority that the govt CANNOT force the amish to send their kids to school against their will and cannot force them to get vaccines etc etc etc… Medina Resident you are what is wrong with this country you have no logical arguments you go straight to name calling which means you automatically lost this argument… Lets change the rules lets say you are a VEGAN for the libs or better yet a Muslim and the only way you child would live was for them to receive a pig organ say a heart valve or you have to eat animal protein for some reason would you still be all for forcing you views on them… Now here is how this will play out the Amish are tight. This kid and maybe the family will be in Wisconsin or PA and out of the jurisdiction of the local courts before you can say spit and good luck finding them NO SSN No credit cards and the Amish do not talk… Then like said before the entire childrens hospital network will be shunned the bishop will issue a decree and they will be lucky to see another Amish patient again and if a kid is taken there they will be signed out ASAP AMA… In fact you take an Amish kid and they probably wont even go to English Docs again and what you going to do about it there is no proof an Amish ever lived and none they died it is handled in the community. Nice job Akron Childrens then you have all the English families reading this I can bet you my kids and my siblings kids are not going to Akron Childrens or any affiliates if they will go after the Amish they will go after us too… If the kid is not being beat if they are being fed then they are way ahead of 95 percent of the inner city kids and with the amish 8th grade ed they can probably read, write, and add better than 80 percent of the public school kids out there today!!!!

作者: 匿名    时间: 2021-10-8 03:53
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